150 vizualizações de um espaço
visual arts prize Gulbenkian This project is an installation proposal for the big auditory of Gulbenkian Foundation. It has been recently awarded under the category of Ideas and proposals, taking the legacy of the foundation as the initial concept for the contest. In a resumed way this idea re configures the function of the architectonic space and creates a real time bridge between external and internal space. Such dichotomy is also a symbolic representation of the foundation values and multidisciplinary approach on research towards the human relation with natural environment . 150 microphones inserted in the outdoor are represented directly through individual cones. Their purpose is not to record, but to send a real time signal between different points in the foundation park. This observational points are divided through categories and have been specifically studied and represented in the proposal. In a similar way to past works, this sound captions create a meticulous network of hidden and imperceptible sonic events occurring in this specific area, underwater sounds, soils, magnetic fields, reverberations and movements inside trees. The starting point is the lake that stands precisely in front of the auditory, this dichotomy is already present in the auditory design, with its colossal window that directs the viewers observation towards the lake region. My main goal was to work with the relations that are already present in this place, but give them a new possibility of function, thus the auditory would be used in a timeless way, visitors could choose the length and period of their stay in on going process of ex-change that is dependent on the life of the park itself. The spectator has the ability to create meaning - that is constructed through the mental projection of sound into 3 dimensions. In a world that is increasingly disembodied, listening gives spatial awareness; thus the sonic world requires to be constructed and reconstructed at each single time. Although the project exists only in paper, all the process has been made in collaboration with the architects Filipa Araujo and Jorge Manuel Reis, as well as the sound engineer Michael Becks and visual artist Deli Gleba. Making sure it is technically possible to execute in the future. |